Time Slips Away

Time representing collection
The notion of time is one of the phenomenons of our observable world. It is still not clear whether time is a physical parameter, or is it an abstract concept to describe physical phenomena or property of our consciousness.

The project aims to recall the sensation of the notion of time by combining human understanding and its physical nature. The collection consists of four pieces designed to engage the user to experience physical and philosophical concepts of time on an experimental level.
Quantum physics claims, that wave function collapse is an instant process transforming the state of a particle from unknown, to known while observing. As well as time existence is unknown for observers, but becomes real only through the act of observation.

An object is a recall optical device. A bright flash of light inside the device renders time on the eye retina of the user at random moments. The image will appear for a few moments in the form of spots in the field of view and then disappear. Object demonstrates the transfer of time from potential to the real state while observing, since as long as the user sees a spot in front of him, inside the object it already disappeared.
Breathing, as well as the rhythm of a heartbeat, is a repeating process, which forms the perception of time as a subjective reflection on the duration of events. Breath is what makes us alive.

The object looks like a hand mirror. The form of the object allows one to take it with both hands as something valuable. On a clean surface of the mirror, time is indicated, if the user breathes on it. Breathing of the user object not only creates time but also proves that the user is alive and not frozen in stasis.
Psychology defines a certain duration perceived as present, the specious present, varying from a few seconds to probably not more than a minute, and this duration is the original intuition of time.

The object looks like a radio with an earphone and a control knob. The device transmits the time signal, but it always runs away, fading to noise. The time signal can only be heard completely if the user follows the signal by turning the knob of the device. Interacting with the object allows us to consciously experience a spacious present.
The physical concept of the arrow of time, or asymmetry of time, is the consequence of entropy. Entropy tends to grow with time, indicating that the system goes from a less probable state (order) to more probable (chaos).

Pendulum Clock writes time with constantly spreading liquid. On the surface of the liquid digits can be read, but they exist only for a fraction of the second. The object demonstrates constant change from order to chaos underlaying the beauty and fragility of each moment.
We would like to thank Katharina Mischer and Thomas Traxler for participating and supporting this project.